Full Office Operator
Lo que aprenderás
With Microsoft Word you can make everything from simple letters to complex design montages that combine the use of text, images, tables, columns, etc. always having the possibility of seeing the presentation of your work at the moment.
With Microsoft Excel you will perform everything from simple home accounting to complex financial and statistical calculations and monitoring, clarifying the information with graphs.
With Microsoft PowerPoint you will make presentations, they are commonly used in business meetings, with them you will be able to diagram effective meetings, using transitions, effects and animations to the slides.
With Microsoft Access you can build everything from a phone book to competitive databases capable of interacting with applications of all types, including those that can be built in programming languages such as Visual Basic.
Pharmacy Billing and Audit
Lo que aprenderás
Knowledge of medications, their presentations, prescriptions and doses.
Reading recipes.
Management of frequent queries.
How to dispense at the counter.
Rules and procedure in the billing of medicines to the different Social Works.
Web Page Design – Basic Course with Flash
Lo que aprenderás
Design and creation of web pages.
Programming and administration of websites.
Forms and spreadsheets, multimedia and HTML.
Social networks.
Color psychology and web palette.
Animation and hyperlinking and creation of interactive spaces.
Real Estate and Consortia Administration
Lo que aprenderás
Administration of Horizontal Property Consortia.
Current regulations, execution of procedures and required formats.
Impact of the New Civil and Commercial Code.
Assembly Management.
Treatment of Tenants.
Remuneration of managers.
Issuance of expenses
Tax obligations and building aspects.