Personas Sordas Courses

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Sign language


Sign language

6 Lecciones
40 horas
Lo que aprenderás
Theoretical-practical knowledge about Sign Language and an approach to the psychological aspects involved in communication, intercultural relationships (deaf culture-hearing culture) and the representations present in the construction of identities.
Generate a dialectical learning space where critical thinking supports reflection and favors the destigmatization and integration of people with hearing impairment.
Provide a space for collective reflection on the relevance of communication in today's society, where critical thinking is the protagonist.
Study the fundamentals and essential grammatical requirements of sign language.
Develop visual thinking that allows the description of everyday situations.
Exercise the non-verbal language and body behaviors of the participants.
Expand the possibilities of generating social ties with people with hearing impairment.
Achieve an approach to the psychological aspects involved in communication in general and in the listener/non-listener interculturality