4th Category Gain

Essential Consulting
Actualizado el: April 26, 2024
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Acerca de este curso

Settlement of national taxes requires constant updating of regulations and, in addition, it is necessary that the training has a practical approach that allows the most frequent cases to be applied in the different concepts addressed. The Income Tax is extensive and complex, which is why its approach by category allows for a thorough analysis of the different situations that may arise.

Objetivos de este curso

Comprehensively advise the withholding agent and the employee/retiree on all their obligations. Know what the specific deductions of 4 cat are in order to carry out planning that benefits our clients.

Modalidades y requerimientos

  • The 4th Category Earning Course is taught online and in real time, providing an interactive and direct learning experience, accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

¿A quién está dirigido?

  • Advanced students and professionals in the area of economic sciences or the general public who work in the area.


Essential Consulting

17 Courses
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