Accountant Clinic

Essential Consulting
Actualizado el: April 25, 2024
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Acerca de este curso

The difficulties that professionals and students present when putting into practice what they have learned at the university, or new implementations, makes it necessary to provide quality and comprehensive training so that you can stay updated and learn to apply the topics. that encompass Public Accounting to function in the most optimal way within a fully competitive and tax-changing field.

Objetivos de este curso

Master the fundamental concepts of commercial companies and legal personality.
Acquire in-depth knowledge about the tax regimes in Argentina, including the Monotributo, the General Regime and consumption taxes such as VAT.
Develop skills for the practical management of administrative and legal processes related to the constitution and registration of companies, as well as the management of procedures before the AFIP.
Improve accounting skills, including preparing financial statements, bank reconciliation in Excel, and managing accounting books, both in physical and digital formats, to ensure accuracy and regulatory compliance.
Acquire advanced skills in the analysis and interpretation of financial statements, using tools such as pivot tables and data modeling in Power BI.
Obtain updated knowledge about business marketing strategies and brand building, allowing you to effectively position an accounting firm in the market and attract and retain clients effectively.

Modalidades y requerimientos

  • The Contador Clinic Course is taught online and in real time, providing an interactive and direct learning experience, accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

¿A quién está dirigido?

  • Students and professionals in areas of Economic Sciences or related areas who need to update or begin practicing the profession.


Essential Consulting

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