
Commercial and Administrative Management
The subject covers business management, documents, billing, bank accounts, taxes and administrative controls.

Labor legislation
In this unit, various aspects related to labor standards and regulations that affect the administrative field are explored. Some of the topics addressed are salary settlement, contracting modalities, working hours, ordinary and special licenses, collective labor agreements, holidays and non-working days, work accidents, termination of the contract. work and family allowances, among others. Through these lessons, students will gain fundamental knowledge about labor legislation applied to administrative secretarial work, allowing them to function with confidence and comply with legal requirements in the work environment.

Course presentation

This course is aimed at learning about the organization, control and management of the activities of the administrative area of businesses, companies and other organizations.

Provides the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to efficiently assist professionals in the area.

The basic concepts of modern accounting administration are developed, applied to the labor dynamics of our country. His field of work is oriented towards: Accounting studies and administrative areas of businesses, companies or organizations.

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