
Definition of Mental Retardation
In Unit 1 of the course we will delve into the study and understanding of mental retardation. During this unit, we will explore the definition and characteristics of mental retardation, delving into the different levels of severity and its implications on the development and functioning of children.

Sports and Disability
In Unit 2 we will explore the relationship between sport and disability. During this unit, we will examine the physical, emotional and social benefits that sports participation can offer children with disabilities.

Tips for Living with Autism
In Unit 3 we will focus on providing practical advice for life with autism. During this unit, we will explore strategies and recommendations that may be useful to improve the quality of life of people with autism and facilitate their participation in different social environments.

Evidence Based Practice
In Unit 4 we will delve into the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) approach. During this unit, we will explore the importance of basing our interventions and decisions on the best available scientific evidence.

Course presentation
Welcome to the Therapeutic Assistant in Childhood Disorders course!

The objective of this course is to train specialist Therapeutic Companions who can perform with responsibility, efficiency and ethical principles from an interdisciplinary perspective in the problems of childhood as well as who are capable of recognizing the main clinical presentations. Reflect on the insertion and role of the therapeutic companion in the field of childhood.

Provide theoretical-practical tools to promote work with children with special needs.

Train and update companions so that they have different therapeutic intervention resources in accordance with each clinical situation, and promote interdisciplinary work with the different intervening professionals.

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