Comprehensive Salary Settlement

Essential Consulting
Actualizado el: April 25, 2024
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Acerca de este curso

Within the framework of the Employment Contract Law, there is a whole range of specific terminology and procedures that must be mastered when starting to prepare Salary Receipts, which is why the maximum possible precision is required so that the document to be delivered arrives correctly. each of the collaborators in an exact and clear manner.

Objetivos de este curso

Learn from 0 to settle Salaries according to Law 20744 by calculating Vacations, Social Security Benefits, Seniority, Bonus, Hiring and Leaving, Overtime and Leaves along with the preparation and loading of the F931.
We will also see the Disengagement and Compensation procedure and different frequent and special cases.

Modalidades y requerimientos

  • The Comprehensive Salary Settlement Course is taught online and in real time, providing an interactive and direct learning experience, accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

¿A quién está dirigido?

  • Students and professionals in the area of human resources, administration, accounting and the general public who are dedicated to salary settlement.


Essential Consulting

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