Full Office Operator

Actualizado el: May 24, 2023
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Acerca de este curso

With this course you will be able to improve your use of Office by acquiring the skills to use Word, Excel, Access, Outlook and the Internet.

Master computer tools to edit texts, spreadsheets, use databases and/or create different publications. The Full Advanced Office Operator course is aimed at users who wish to improve basic computer management and expand their knowledge of the Office package.

All companies require their staff to know these applications to perform administrative tasks. This course also allows participants to carry out their profession in a more efficient and productive way, generating professional documents with Microsoft Word, using databases with Microsoft Access, managing and controlling a business with the use of spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel and making presentations. combined with Microsoft PowerPoint.

Objetivos de este curso

With Microsoft Word you can make everything from simple letters to complex design montages that combine the use of text, images, tables, columns, etc. always having the possibility of seeing the presentation of your work at the moment.
With Microsoft Excel you will perform everything from simple home accounting to complex financial and statistical calculations and monitoring, clarifying the information with graphs.
With Microsoft PowerPoint you will make presentations, they are commonly used in business meetings, with them you will be able to diagram effective meetings, using transitions, effects and animations to the slides.
With Microsoft Access you can build everything from a phone book to competitive databases capable of interacting with applications of all types, including those that can be built in programming languages such as Visual Basic.


  • Certificate of Completion upon completion of the course.
  • Official Certificate issued by the corresponding authorized entities. It will have an additional amount per issue and will require completing a final evaluation that validates the knowledge acquired.

Modalidades y requerimientos

  • Asynchronous mode, that is, totally flexible to your times. You will be able to study, train, inform yourself, add complementary details in the time you have and when you can.

¿A quién está dirigido?

  • Students.
  • Professionals looking for employment.
  • Active professionals.
  • Entrepreneurs and small business owners.
  • People interested in improving their digital skills.

Plan de estudios

16 Lecciones30h


Introduction to the coursePreview

Introduction to the Computer and Microsoft Word

Unit 1 encompasses a series of lessons and activities designed to familiarize participants with computer basics and the use of Microsoft Word.

Excel: Functions, Conditional Formatting and Charts

Unit 2 focuses on learning and applying advanced skills in Microsoft Excel. Participants will explore the core capabilities of Excel, including using functions, conditional formatting, and creating charts.

Access: Data Management and Form Design

Unit 3 focuses on learning and applying skills related to Microsoft Access. Participants will explore key Access capabilities for data management and form design.



34 Courses
3 Reviews
10 Students
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$ 20.000

Duración 30 horas
16 lecciones


  • Certificate of Completion upon completion of the course.
  • Official Certificate issued by the corresponding authorized entities. It will have an additional amount per issue and will require completing a final evaluation that validates the knowledge acquired.
Validez: Permanente
Course Information

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