Introduction to Gerontological Care
This unit provides an introduction to the course and field of gerontological care. Introductory notions, the profile of the gerontological assistant and key conceptualizations in the field of health are explored. The difference between the health status of healthy and sick older adults is analyzed, as well as general considerations about aging in the population.

Introductory notions.
Profile of the gerontological assistant.
Conceptualizations around the field of health.
The healthy and sick older adult. General considerations.
Aging in the population. Demographic considerations.
Vital signs.
Biology and physiology of aging.
Practical Work 1

Cognitive and Emotional Aspects in Gerontology
This unit addresses the cognitive and emotional aspects related to aging. Sensory factors, perception, cognitive and higher brain functions are studied. Stress and general adjustment syndrome are also explored, as well as risk factors that can lead to decline and illness in older adults.

Social and Psychological Aspects in Gerontology
In this unit the social and psychological aspects of aging are analyzed. Neurophysiological considerations, cognitive alterations in older adults, and senile and reversible dementias are explored. Specific dementias, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Pick's disease, are also studied.

Specific Topics in Gerontology
This unit explores specific topics in the field of gerontology. Life after retirement and the stage of old age are analyzed. In addition, care for terminally ill patients and the institutionalization of the elderly are addressed. Falls and fractures are also studied, as well as the importance of taking a first medical history.

Course presentation
Welcome to the “Gerontological Assistant” course!

This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to work as an assistant in the care and attention of older adults. As our population ages, the demand for trained gerontology professionals is constantly growing.

In this course, we will explore the fundamental aspects of aging, health and well-being of older adults. We will learn about the profile of the gerontological assistant and the responsibilities that this important work entails. Additionally, we will delve into key areas of biology, physiology, and cognitive functions related to aging.

We will also address the social and psychological considerations that influence the lives of older adults, including stress management, common illnesses, and specific dementias. We will discuss the importance of terminal patient care, as well as falls and fractures, which are common health problems at this stage of life.

Throughout the course, they will have quality teaching material, practical activities and evaluations to ensure effective learning. Our goal is that at the end of the course, they feel prepared and trained to provide compassionate, quality care to older adults, thus improving their quality of life and well-being.

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