Unit 1 focuses on the study and understanding of contracts in the real estate field. During this unit, participants will learn about the key elements of a contract, common clauses used in property rental and purchase contracts, as well as the obligations and responsibilities of the parties involved in these contracts.

Things Location Contract
Unit 2 focuses on the study and understanding of location contracts. During this unit, participants will learn about the key aspects of this type of contract, which involves the rental or leasing of personal property for a specified period.

Purchase and sale – Concepts
Unit 3 of the course focuses on the study and understanding of the key concepts related to the sale and purchase in the real estate and consortium field.

Real Estate Sale
Unit 4 of the course focuses on the study and understanding of the key processes and aspects related to the sale of real estate in the real estate field.

Course presentation

Welcome to the Consortium Administration Course

The “Consortium Administration” course provides us with the essential tools to carry out efficient and effective management of property consortia in Argentina. During the course, the impact of the new Civil and Commercial Code on the administration of consortia will be analyzed, as well as key topics such as the management of the Owners' Assembly, the relationship and treatment of tenants, the correct remuneration of tenants. managers, the issuance of expenses and the rendering of accounts.

In addition, the tax obligations that those dedicated to the administration of consortia must comply with will be delved into, ensuring that the legal and fiscal aspects are duly covered. The building aspects to be considered will also be discussed, to ensure that the consortia comply with maintenance and safety standards.

In summary, the “Management of Horizontal Property Consortiums” course provides a comprehensive approach that covers both legal and administrative aspects, as well as tax and building aspects. At the end of the course, participants will have the necessary knowledge to carry out successful management of property consortia in Argentina, complying with current regulations and ensuring their correct functioning.

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