Sign language

Actualizado el: May 19, 2024

Acerca de este curso

In this program, we will provide you with the tools necessary to learn and master the fascinating language used by deaf people to communicate with each other.

Sign Language is a natural and expressive language that is developed through gestures, body movements and visual signs. With our course, you will be able to enter this wonderful world and learn to communicate effectively with deaf people.

Our program covers a wide variety of relevant and exciting topics. From understanding sign language to its application in everyday situations, we will provide you with the knowledge necessary to express yourself and understand those who use this form of communication.

Additionally, we will explore the history and development of deaf education, as well as the importance of the deaf community as a cultural and linguistic minority. We will also address the concept of deaf citizenship and the challenges faced by this community in Argentina.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn a universal language and promote inclusion. Our Sign Language Course will allow you to break communication barriers and open yourself to a world full of new experiences and opportunities.

Objetivos de este curso

Theoretical-practical knowledge about Sign Language and an approach to the psychological aspects involved in communication, intercultural relationships (deaf culture-hearing culture) and the representations present in the construction of identities.
Generate a dialectical learning space where critical thinking supports reflection and favors the destigmatization and integration of people with hearing impairment.
Provide a space for collective reflection on the relevance of communication in today's society, where critical thinking is the protagonist.
Study the fundamentals and essential grammatical requirements of sign language.
Develop visual thinking that allows the description of everyday situations.
Exercise the non-verbal language and body behaviors of the participants.
Expand the possibilities of generating social ties with people with hearing impairment.
Achieve an approach to the psychological aspects involved in communication in general and in the listener/non-listener interculturality


  • Certificate of Completion upon completion of the course.
  • Official Certificate issued by the corresponding authorized entities. It will have an additional amount per issue and will require completing a final evaluation that validates the knowledge acquired.

Modalidades y requerimientos

  • Asynchronous mode, that is, totally flexible to your times. You will be able to study, train, inform yourself, add complementary details in the time you have and when you can. 

¿A quién está dirigido?

  • People interested in learning a new language.
  • Family and friends of deaf people.
  • Professionals in the area of health and education.
  • Teachers and educators.
  • Professionals in the customer service area.
  • People interested in inclusion and equal opportunities.

Plan de estudios

6 Lecciones40h


Introduction to the coursePreview

What is Sign Language?

You will learn about the importance of this form of communication and how it has contributed to the inclusion of deaf people in society.

LSA Dictionary

You will learn to express ideas, ask questions and have basic conversations in LSA.

Get your certificate!

At the end of this course, you will have access to an international certificate that will endorse your knowledge.

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38 Courses
3 Reviews
17 Students
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Duración 40 horas
6 lecciones


  • Certificate of Completion upon completion of the course.
  • Official Certificate issued by the corresponding authorized entities. It will have an additional amount per issue and will require completing a final evaluation that validates the knowledge acquired.
Course Information

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