What is Sign Language?
You will learn about the importance of this form of communication and how it has contributed to the inclusion of deaf people in society.

LSA Dictionary
You will learn to express ideas, ask questions and have basic conversations in LSA.

Introduction to the course

Sign languages are natural languages, born and created by deaf communities, social facts, which are transmitted from generation to generation; They are not artificial codes or manualized forms of oral languages. Deaf people in different countries around the world have their own sign languages. That is, just as hearing people have developed multiple oral linguistic systems, deaf people have also created different visual-spatial-manual-gestural languages. Argentine Sign Language (ASL) is the cultural and linguistic heritage of the Deaf community of our country.

This comprehensive program will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to communicate effectively with deaf people.

Sign language is a complete and natural linguistic system used by deaf people to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas. Through gestures, body movements, signs and visual perception, a rich and expressive language is created that promotes inclusion and equal opportunities.

Our course has been carefully designed to cover a wide variety of relevant and exciting topics. Some of the content we will explore includes:

What is sign language?

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Sign Language and discover its origin, evolution and distinctive characteristics. You will learn about the importance of this form of communication and how it has contributed to the inclusion of deaf people in society.

LSA Dictionary (Argentine Sign Language)

Delve into the essential vocabulary of Argentine Sign Language. We'll provide you with a solid foundation of key words and expressions so you can start communicating effectively from day one. You will learn to express ideas, ask questions and have basic conversations in LSA.

Beginnings and development of deaf education

We will explore the history and evolution of deaf education. You will learn about important milestones in the education of deaf people and how it has influenced their linguistic and cultural development. You will understand the different methodologies used and their impact on the deaf community.

Deaf people as a cultural and linguistic minority

We will delve into the rich culture of deaf people. You will discover how the deaf community has developed its own identity and how it relates to other cultures and communities. We will explore the linguistic particularities, values and traditions of this vibrant community.

Deaf Citizenship in Argentina

We will address the concept of deaf citizenship and the importance of the active participation of deaf people in society. We will analyze the rights and struggles faced by the deaf community in Argentina and how we can foster a more inclusive and accessible society for all.

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