Strategic Planning in the HR Area

Essential Consulting
Actualizado el: April 26, 2024
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Acerca de este curso

Provides participants with a solid understanding of organizational structure and human resources policies. Through skills in writing human resources manuals and policies, including an employee manual and code of ethics.

Objetivos de este curso

Learn to prepare policies, procedures, manuals, organizational chart, recruitment bases, competencies, training.
Applying the basic tips and models, generating Human Resources to become an advantage in the organization.

Modalidades y requerimientos

  • The Strategic Planning Course in the HR Area is taught online and in real time, providing an interactive and direct learning experience, accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

¿A quién está dirigido?

  • Professionals, entrepreneurs, students, anyone who works in the area of Human Resources and/or similar, and who wishes to professionalize the area, or design from scratch.


Essential Consulting

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