Back to Basics

Back to Basics

life tips

Back to Basics

As our elementary students return to school in person, in a completely new way, many emotions will be stirred up for them. Alarm. Frustration. Worry. Emotion.

And this will be reflected in what we, as adults, may also be experiencing. For our teachers, in addition to what they will be experiencing emotionally themselves, they are being called to be the caring leaders who guide our students to a place where they can learn together.

This will be a challenging dance. Our teachers are true agents of change. They are providers and leaders, and this period in history will highlight their vital role in the emotional health of our children.

So how can we support them to support our children's learning? As parents and school administrators, we can relax about “learning” and trust that it will come. At this time, schools will need to shift focus and focus on emotional foundations rather than academics. Teachers teach people, not subjects. And when they can focus on supporting well-being first, learning will have a chance to take hold.

Let's take a closer look at the 3 Rs of emotional foundations:


What our students need from us is… ourselves. They need to know that we are there for them and that they matter. It's not so much about what we say, but how we make them feel in our presence: invited, accepted, and seen.

During this emotionally turbulent time, we will need to make conscious invitations to build relationships so that our students feel connected to us. This could mean special greeting rituals at the start of each day and more playful activities in which we bond. These attachment practices can help our students feel connected to us, which can also decrease their anxiety.


Children crave rhythm.

Consistent routines, rituals, and structures help children feel safe. They can lean on them and trust them. However, most children are experiencing the exact opposite right now. As they return to school, they may have little to no idea what the “new normal” will look like. We can create a sense of security by quickly establishing new routines that our students can rely on and navigate. This will help establish a rhythm in your days and offer a sense of predictability in these unpredictable times.


Our students' emotions will be stirred. And we know that when emotions run high, they need somewhere to go. Finding healthy ways to preemptively channel this emotional energy for our students can help alleviate dangerous or disruptive flare-ups. Integrating daily release outings can be especially helpful in helping students vent frustration before it escalates into aggressive outbursts.

These outlets can also help students reflect and express their feelings in ways that don't make them feel self-conscious. The beauty of this practice is that we don't even have to know specifically what is happening in a child's life. We are simply facilitating a way for emotion to be expressed and released indirectly naturally, whether through music, physical movement, stories or storytelling, writing, poetry, drama, art or even just being outdoors. All of these outlets are powerful because they help us get closer to our feelings and experience a sense of release and emotional rest.

Going back to school right now won't be easy. We will have to be creative and think outside the box. We may have to stretch muscles we never knew we had. But it can be helpful to remember that this is not a time to focus on outcome and performance, or moving forward or catching up. Shifting our attention to matters of the heart will help our students feel safe. This is what will set the stage for learning to occur, when children are ready.

In the meantime, let's be patient with our students and with ourselves. We are all in this together.

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