Salud Courses

Specialization: Private Security in Health Clinics

35 Lecciones
8 horas
Lo que aprenderás
Understand and apply essential values such as empathy, respect and professionalism in the health environment.
Collaborate efficiently with medical staff, contributing to a safe and secure environment.
Handle emergency situations with competence and composure.
Contribute significantly to the creation of a welcoming and safe environment for patients, visitors and staff.

First aid


First aid

15 Lecciones
72 horas
Lo que aprenderás
Assist anyone who is in an emergency situation.
Stabilize the injured person, relieve pain and calm the anxiety generated by these types of situations.
Importance of the first aid kit and basic elements.
First aid in fainting, lipothymia, convulsions, hemorrhages, wounds, bites, insect stings, first care in childbirth, poisoning, bone and joint injuries, asphyxiation and CPR maneuver.

Pharmacy Billing and Audit


Pharmacy Billing and Audit

35 Lecciones
72 horas
Lo que aprenderás
Knowledge of medications, their presentations, prescriptions and doses.
Reading recipes.
Management of frequent queries.
How to dispense at the counter.
Rules and procedure in the billing of medicines to the different Social Works.

Technical Assistant in Electrocardiogram

6 Lecciones
40 horas
Lo que aprenderás
Basic notions of the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system and the conduction system of the heart.
You will learn the components and operation of an electrocardiograph and the different models.
You will learn to recognize the different types of electrodes and cables, as well as the electrode placement sites on the body surface.
You will learn the characteristics of electrocardiogram paper and the components of the electrocardiographic tracing.

Geriatric and Home Nursing Assistant

9 Lecciones
72 horas
Lo que aprenderás
Understand the role and responsibilities of the nursing assistant in the care of older people in geriatric and home settings.
Become familiar with the structure and function of the human body, acquiring basic knowledge about the main systems and organs.
Obtain an introduction to nutrition, understanding the importance of proper nutrition for the health and well-being of older people.
Acquire knowledge about common pathologies in the elderly, identifying the characteristics and symptoms of common diseases in this population.
Learn about fractures, including their classification, treatment and specific care in older people.
Understand the importance of handwashing in preventing infections and implementing proper personal hygiene techniques.
Learn the fundamentals and techniques of oral hygiene, including tooth brushing and dental prosthesis care in older people.
Obtain knowledge about cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), understanding basic resuscitation techniques in an emergency.
Prepare adequately for the start of the course, becoming familiar with the structure and content that will be addressed throughout the program.

Gerontological Assistant


Gerontological Assistant

30 Lecciones
72 horas
Lo que aprenderás
Introduce the student to the field of gerontology and highlight the importance of caring for older adults.
Develop the profile of the gerontological assistant, identifying the necessary skills and knowledge.
Understand the key aspects of health and aging in older adults.
Analyze the most common diseases and disorders in this population.
Study the social, psychological and emotional considerations related to aging.
Become familiar with vital signs and prevention measures.
Learn about the care and attention of terminally ill patients.
Understand the importance of institutionalization and home care.
Acquire knowledge about falls, fractures and preventive measures.
Develop information collection skills in the medical history.