Introduction and Regulations
This unit provides an introduction to the course and presents the fundamental concepts. In addition, the rules and regulations related to child care and education are addressed.

Introduction and Main Concepts
Regulations, continued.
Conception of the child.
School: Initial Level and First Grade. Relationship between Education – Economy – Civil Society – State

Educational Theories and Models
This unit explores the educational theories and models that influence childhood development and education. Different pedagogical approaches are analyzed and the relationship between theory and practice in educational planning is reflected on.

Child Development Psychology
In this unit, the psychology of child development is delved into, the stages and processes of development are studied, and aspects such as the influence of the environment, cognitive and emotional functions, and the importance of emotional relationships in the first years of life are analyzed. .

Fundamentals of Child Care
This unit addresses fundamental aspects of child care, such as the importance of play, infant reflexes, the APGAR Test, and basic care considerations. Guidelines and recommendations are provided to ensure the well-being and healthy development of children.

Course presentation
Welcome to the Child and Maternal Assistant course!

This course is designed for those interested in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the care and education of children in the early stages. During the course, we will explore different aspects related to the care, health, development and education of children in their first years of life.

Throughout the course, we will address topics such as the importance of hygiene and accident prevention, educational theories and models applied to early childhood, the psychomotor and emotional development of children, and the fundamental considerations for providing adequate care.

Our main objective is to provide them with the necessary tools so that they can function effectively as child and maternal assistants, understanding the needs of children and promoting their well-being and comprehensive development.

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