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Comprehensive Excel All Levels

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Lo que aprenderás
Acquire skills in using spreadsheet tools to ensure data consistency.
Train on creating and analyzing pivot tables, linking formulas, and using pivot charts for valuable insights.
Develop skills in creating effective dashboards, facilitating strategic decision making through the clear visualization of relevant information.
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Excel For Human Resources Management

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Lo que aprenderás
Design and evaluate key human resources processes using Excel.
Learn the basic formulas and Excel tools that will allow us to create our own dashboards (Dashboards) with indicators for forecasting and analysis (predictive analysis and analytics).
Dynamic tables.
Guide to budgeting salary expenses using Excel.
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Audit in Human Resources with International AI

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Lo que aprenderás
Understand the basic concepts of auditing and their application in the field of human resources management.
Identify the benefits of auditing in human resources and its importance in the continuous improvement of personnel-related practices.
Become familiar with the investigation techniques used in audits and their specific application in the field of human resources.
Analyze the audit of time and attendance management in human resources, including time management practices, personnel entry and exit controls, and human resources information systems.
Know the requirements, development and operational aspects of the human resources audit report.
Explore the application of artificial intelligence in human resources, including AI-based selection and recruitment, predictive performance analysis, process automation, employee experience management and detection of biases in decision making.
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Performance Management and HR Analytics

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Lo que aprenderás
You will learn to develop performance strategies to ensure that employees meet their objectives and improve their productivity by promoting the development of their talent and skills.
Emerging technologies in HR will be explored, focusing on the specific impact of artificial intelligence on key processes such as performance appraisal and talent development.
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Strategic Planning in the HR Area

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Lo que aprenderás
Learn to prepare policies, procedures, manuals, organizational chart, recruitment bases, competencies, training.
Applying the basic tips and models, generating Human Resources to become an advantage in the organization.
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Recruitment and selection with AI

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Lo que aprenderás
Provide a deep understanding of the different applications of AI in the HR field.
Familiarize participants with the leading technological platforms and solutions on the market.
Train in the interpretation and analysis of data generated by AI tools, for informed decision making.
Encourage an ethical and transparent approach in the implementation of AI-based solutions, addressing potential bias and privacy concerns.
Facilitate the integration of AI tools with existing HR management systems in organizations.
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Enneagram Certification for HR & International Business

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Lo que aprenderás
Understand the theoretical foundations of the Enneagram applied to human resources.
Identify the enneatypes of each person and their roles within the team.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each individual and their roles in work teams.
Provide tools and strategies to develop identified areas of improvement.
Prepare participants to manage real cases in human resources through the practical application of the Enneagram.
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Comprehensive Diploma in Human Talent 4.0

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Lo que aprenderás
Develop strategic competencies.
Integrate AI into talent management.
Implement Performance Management practices.
Promote personalized training with AI.
Optimize talent management and retention.
Conduct effective HR audits with AI.
Develop skills in Change Management.
Understand marketing applied to HR.
Promote motivation and effective leadership.
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Comprehensive Income Tax Aj Due To Inflation

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Lo que aprenderás
Learn, from the 1st to the 4th Category, how to prepare, liquidate and present the DDJJ identifying the Subjects and Objects of the tax.
We will see from Taxed, Exempt Income, specific, General and Personal Deductions to the preparation of the Assets and Debts table together with the Patrimonial Justification analyzing the amount consumed.
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4th Category Gain

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4th Category Gain

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Lo que aprenderás
Comprehensively advise the withholding agent and the employee/retiree on all their obligations. Know what the specific deductions of 4 cat are in order to carry out planning that benefits our clients.